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Internationale Berichte und Beschlüsse zum Thema "Trostfrauen" 

Int. Beschlüsse
zum Thema


4. August 1993 Kono Erklärung

1996 UNO-Bericht (4. Januar 1996) Coomaraswamy, Radhika

Vereinte Nationen, Menschenrechtskommission, Bericht der Sonderberichterstatterin über Gewalt gegen Frauen, ihre Ursachen und Folgen, „Bericht über die Mission in der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea, der Republik Korea und Japan in Bezug auf die Frage der militärischen sexuellen Sklaverei in der Kriegszeit ”(4. Januar 1996)




136. The Special Rapporteur wishes to make the following recommendations which aim at the discharge of her mandate in a spirit of cooperation with the Governments concerned and at trying to understand the phenomenon of military sexual slavery in wartime within the wider framework of violence against women, its causes and consequences. The Special Rapporteur counts, in particular, on the cooperation of the Government of Japan, which has already shown, in discussions with the Special Rapporteur, its openness and willingness to act to render justice to the few surviving women victims of military sexual slavery carried out by the Japanese Imperial Army.


A. At the national level

137. The Government of Japan should:


(a) Acknowledge that the system of comfort stations set up by the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War was a violation of its obligations under international law and accept legal responsibility for that violation;


(b) Pay compensation to individual victims of Japanese military sexual slavery according to principles outlined by the Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of grave violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. A special administrative tribunal for this purpose should be set up with a limited time-frame since many of the victims are of a very advanced age;


(c) Make a full disclosure of documents and materials in its possession with regard to comfort stations and other related activities of the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War;


(d) Make a public apology in writing to individual women who have come forward and can be substantiated as women victims of Japanese military sexual slavery; E/CN.4/1996/53/Add.1 page 32


(e) Raise awareness of these issues by amending educational curricula to reflect historical realities;


(f) Identify and punish, as far as possible, perpetrators involved in the recruitment and institutionalization of comfort stations during the Second World War.


B. At the international level

138. Non-governmental organizations working at the international level should continue to raise these issues within the United Nations system. There should also be an attempt to seek an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice or the Permanent Court of Arbitration.


139. The Governments of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea may consider requesting the International Court of Justice to help resolve the legal issues concerning Japanese responsibility and payment of compensation for the "comfort women".


140. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government of Japan in particular to take into account and act upon the above recommendations at the soonest possible time, bearing in mind the advanced age of the surviving women, as well as the fact that 1995 is the fiftieth anniversary of the ending of the Second World War. The Special Rapporteur feels that not only have fifty years passed since the end of the war but that it is time to restore the dignity of those women who have suffered so much.



1998 UNO-Bericht (4. Januar 1998) Gay McDougull

UNITED NATIONS, COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Fiftieth session | CONTEMPORARY FORMS OF SLAVERY Systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflict Final report submitted by Ms. Gay J. McDougall, Special Rapporteur

<Auszug> pg 55



68. The present report concludes that the Japanese Government remains liable for grave violations of human rights and humanitarian law, violations that amount in their totality to crimes against humanity. The Japanese Government’s arguments to the contrary, including arguments that seek to attack the underlying humanitarian law prohibition of enslavement and rape, remain as unpersuasive today as they were when they were first raised before the Nürnberg war crimes tribunal more than 50 years ago. In addition, the Japanese Government’s argument that Japan has already settled all claims from the Second World War through peace treaties and reparations agreements following the war remains equally unpersuasive. This is due, in large part, to the failure until very recently of the Japanese Government to admit the extent of the Japanese military’s direct involvement in the establishment and maintenance of these rape centres. The Japanese Government’s silence on this point during the period in which peace and reparations agreements between Japan and other Asian Governments were being negotiated following the end of the war must, as a matter of law and justice, preclude Japan from relying today on these peace treaties to extinguish liability in these cases. (...)


Dezember 2000 Tokyo Tribunal

In Anwesenheit von Bürgerinitiativen und 70 überlebenden Opfern aus acht Ländern wurde ein symbolisches Urteil gefällt. Der japanische Kaiser Hirohito, die japanische Regierung und neun Kriegsverbrecher wurden für schuldig befunden. 


Mock trial finds Japanese government guilty in comfort women case 

Christine M. Chinkin, Women's International Tribunal on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery

​[한국어정리} 기록으로 보는 2000년 일본 성노예 전범 여성 국제법정, 위안부문제연구소 웹진 결2020년 4월 6일

여성국제전범법정과 최종판례문

Amnesty International, "Ianfu"-Bericht 2005

Resolution (USA 2007)

Entschließung des Europäischen Parlaments zu den sogenannten Trostfrauen

​12. 12. 2007

(8) (Europäisches Parlament) fordert die japanische Regierung auf, alle Behauptungen, wonach die Unterjochung und Versklavung der sogenannten Trostfrauen niemals stattgefunden haben soll, öffentlich zurückzuweisen;

(9) (Europäisches Parlament) ermutigt die japanische Bevölkerung und die japanische Regierung, weitere Schritte zur Anerkennung der vollständigen Geschichte ihrer Nation zu unternehmen und das Bewußtsein in Japan über die Handlungsweisen des Landes in den 1930-er und 1940-er Jahren auch in Bezug auf die sogenannten Trostfrauen zu stärken; fordert die japanische Regierung ferner auf, das Wissen um diese Ereignisse der jetzigen Generation und künftigen Generation zu vermitteln;

Genf 2018

Transnationale Fraeuenbewegung
in den 1970er Jahren
Japanische Journslist:innen

Takashi Uemura 

Kampf für die Wahrheit / 3. Juli 2019

Takashi Uemura: Pressekonferenz / 2018

Drohung gegen Takashi Uemura / Pressekonferenz, 9. Jan. 2015

[DE} Terrorismus gegen die freie Rede, taz 8. 10. 2014

Fotojournalist Takashi Ito

Nakahira Michiko

Interview Hangyereh 2019

Nakahira M. "Comfort Women" in Malaysia 2001

Yoshiyaki Yoshimi Chinadaily Interview 2007

The soft-spoken professor said he has received threatening telephone calls and letters, one reading, "You must die!", since he first published his findings. (Aus dem Interviewartikel)

Miki Dezaki, Regisseur des Films "Shuchenjo"

Reasons Why Foreingers Support Japan's Right-Wingers

Warum Japan schwer fällt, sich zu entschuldigen

Uemura Takashi
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